
  • Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2m
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 22. 05:11

    The M2M-711D module is specially designed for the remote maintenance and upgrading the serial to network application solution. It is suitable for the harsh industrial field.

    M2M-711D provides 2 major technologies on networking.1. VxServer mode: The VxServer is a virtual com middleware software. The VxServer with VxComm Driver can create virtual COM ports in Windows and maps them to the serial ports of the M2M-711D devices through the Ethernet / Wi-Fi network.

    The user's RS-232 client programs need only to change to the virtual COM port to access the serial devices connected to the device servers through the network.2. Pair-connection mode: It provides TCP data tunneling between 2 serial devices. Therefore, by means of TCP/IP server/client infrastructure, M2M-711D can provide the remote serial data transmission by Ethernet or Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g) between local and remote sides.This solution can transfer the site condition of equipment accurately. The maintenance engineer can directly check and diagnose the device/PLC like on-site. This can reduce the huge maintenance cost to increase the competition of enterprises.Except for the functionality above, M2M-711D can also be support the Pair-Connection of other equipment (M-4131, M2M-720-A, M2M-710D).Application 1:Serial application revolution: Upgrade the original serial application to network applicationApplication 2:Remote Maintenance: Establish the remote maintenance system of the equipments sold in the worldApplication 3:Pair-connection mode.

    Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2m Version

    When installing or upgrading software a users system musthave a stable internet connection whilst the update is taking place, if theconnection Is unstable and keeps disconnecting some files from the update maynot be installed correctly, possibly corrupting some files and showing manyerrors on screen for example when the user turns the system on they may get the“Blue screen of death” this is triggered by a poorly written device drivers ormalfunctioning hardware such as memory.Incompatibility. Everything in a system must be compatible with each other orelse the system will not work, this is the same case for upgrading orinstalling a new software.

    If anything in the system hardware or software is incompatiblewith the software you are attempting to install then files could be missed out,incomplete downloads can occur or the system will refuse to update. To avoidthis, research what the upgrade contains and check to so if any hardware orsoftware currently on your system and either uninstall them from your system orcheck to see if they can be upgraded to support the new OS upgrade you aretrying to install to prevent this the user would check websites to see if thereare any common problems with any of the hardware or software.Slow machine (Hanging). To minimize the chance of harming your system or corruptingany files the user should create a backup. A back up is a duplicate of a fileor multiple files stored on another storage device this means if somethinghappens whilst the system is updating then you have a duplicate of all thefiles on your system that have not become corrupted, this allows the user tolocate and replace the corrupted files with the duplicate.

    Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2m Video


    There’s is alsosomething called an image grab this is duplicates and saves everything, insaves all of the users files and all the operating system, this is a muchslower process but it is useful if the operating system is lost or corrupted.Backups should be taken regularly for example daily weekly and many differenttyped of backups should be used. The time when you install new software can be a factor too.Users sometimes start installations in the afternoon for example 6:00pm this isthe time on average most people are using the internet, this could link to theloss of service as too many devices are using the internet this could affectthe download as files may not install correctly or even not at all it is bestthe start and installation late at night as there are less people online usinginternet therefore speeding up the download and installing all the necessarycomponents fully.

    For example, a college would begin an update at about 6:00pmas no staff or students will be using the system at that time. Throughout your systems lifetime it will select key pointsin the past which it can be restored to, this can also be done manually whichmeans a restore point can be selected before a major update takes place. Arestore point is where the system can revert back to a certain period in time, deletingfiles after the restore point andretrieving deleted files before the restore, this is good because if a majorfault occurs the system can be restored before the installation takes place sothe user can avoid that update or try again correctly. Users can use this ifany major problems occur with the system.

    Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2m Windows 7

    Users can check the windows forums to see what the updatecontains and what people think about the update, users can add comments to tellothers if the upgrade should be avoided for now because it is broken or praisedbecause it fixed most of the problems that occurred with the other operatingsystem it the forums can also tell the user what is required for the update towork at its full potential or just to install correctly, this may mean the userneeds to get more RAM, hard drive space or in some cases an entire new system.

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